Instruction Reference

These tables provide summaries for the baseline RISC-V instructions and common extensions. Full specifications be found on the RISC-V website. Additionally, more details about each instruction can be found here.

Pseudo Instructions

These pseudo-instructions represent additional actions and can be used like regular instructions. One of the early passes in the assembler will transform them as described in this table.





addi x0, x0, 0

No operation

li rd, imm

See below

Load immediate

mv rd, rs

addi rd, rs, 0

Copy register

not rd, rs

xori rd, rs, -1

One’s complement

neg rd, rs

sub rd, x0, rs

Two’s complement

seqz rd, rs

sltiu rd, rs, 1

Set if == zero

snez rd, rs

sltu rd, x0, rs

Set if != zero

sltz rd, rs

slt rd, rs, x0

Set if < zero

sgtz rd, rs

slt rd, x0, rs

Set if > zero

beqz rs, offset

beq rs, x0, offset

Branch if == zero

bnez rs, offset

bne rs, x0, offset

Branch if != zero

blez rs, offset

bge x0, rs, offset

Branch if <= zero

bgez rs, offset

bge rs, x0, offset

Branch if >= zero

bltz rs, offset

blt rs, x0, offset

Branch if < zero

bgtz rs, offset

blt x0, rs, offset

Branch if > zero

bgt rs, rt, offset

blt rt, rs, offset

Branch if >

ble rs, rt, offset

bge rt, rs, offset

Branch if <=

bgtu rs, rt, offset

bltu rt, rs, offset

Branch if > (unsigned)

bleu rs, rt, offset

bgeu rt, rs, offset

Branch if <= (unsigned)

j offset

jal x0, offset


jal offset

jal x1, offset

Jump and link

jr rs

jalr x0, 0(rs)

Jump register

jalr rs

jalr x1, 0(rs)

Jump and link register


jalr x0, 0(x1)

Return from subroutine

call offset

See below

Call far-away subroutine

tail offset

See below

Tail call far-away subroutine


fence iorw, iorw

Fence on all memory and I/O

Expansion of li rd, imm

Depending on the value of the imm, li may get expanded into a few different combinations of instructions.



imm between [-2048, 2047]

addi rd, x0, %lo(imm)

imm & 0xfff == 0

lui rd, %hi(imm)


lui rd, %hi(imm)
addi rd, rd, %lo(imm)

Expansion of call offset

Depending on how near / far away the label referred to by offset is, call may get expanded into a few different combinations of instructions.



offset is near

jal x1, %lo(offset)


auipc x1, %hi(offset)
jalr x1, x1, %lo(offset)

Expansion of tail offset

Depending on how near / far away the label referred to by offset is, tail may get expanded into a few different combinations of instructions.



offset is near

jal x0, %lo(offset)


auipc x6, %hi(offset)
jalr x0, x6, %lo(offset)

RV32I Base Instruction Set



lui rd, imm

load upper 20 bits of rd with 20-bit imm, fill lower 12 bits with zeroes

auipc rd, imm

load upper 20 bits of pc with 20-bit imm, fill lower 12 bits with zeroes, add this offset to addr of this instruction and store into rd

jal rd, imm

jump offset 20-bit MO2 imm and store return addr into rd

jalr rd, rs1, imm

jump offset 12-bit MO2 imm plus rs1 and store return addr into rd

beq rs1, rs2, imm

jump offset 12-bit MO2 imm if rs1 is equal to rs2

bne rs1, rs2, imm

jump offset 12-bit MO2 imm if rs1 is not equal to rs2

blt rs1, rs2, imm

jump offset 12-bit MO2 imm if rs1 is less than rs2

bge rs1, rs2, imm

jump offset 12-bit MO2 imm if rs1 is greater than or equal to rs2

bltu rs1, rs2, imm

jump offset 12-bit MO2 imm if rs1 is less than rs2 (unsigned)

bgeu rs1, rs2, imm

jump offset 12-bit MO2 imm if rs1 is greater than or equal to rs2 (unsigned)

lb rd, rs1, imm

load 8-bit value from addr in rs1 plus 12-bit imm into rd (sign extend)

lh rd, rs1, imm

load 16-bit value from addr in rs1 plus 12-bit imm into rd (sign extend)

lw rd, rs1, imm

load 32-bit value from addr in rs1 plus 12-bit imm into rd

lbu rd, rs1, imm

load 8-bit value from addr in rs1 plus 12-bit imm into rd (zero extend)

lhu rd, rs1, imm

load 16-bit value from addr in rs1 plus 12-bit imm into rd (zero extend)

sb rs1, rs2, imm

store 8-bit value from rs2 into addr in rs1 plus 12-bit imm

sh rs1, rs2, imm

store 16-bit value from rs2 into addr in rs1 plus 12-bit imm

sw rs1, rs2, imm

store 32-bit value from rs2 into addr in rs1 plus 12-bit imm

addi rd, rs1, imm

add 12-bit imm to rs1 and store into rd

slti rd, rs1, imm

store 1 into rd if rs1 is less than 12-bit imm else store 0

sltiu rd, rs1, imm

store 1 into rd if rs1 is less than 12-bit imm (unsigned) else store 0

xori rd, rs1, imm

bitwise XOR 12-bit imm with rs1 and store into rd

ori rd, rs1, imm

bitwise OR 12-bit imm with rs1 and store into rd

andi rd, rs1, imm

bitwise AND 12-bit imm with rs1 and store into rd

slli rd, rs1, shamt

shift rs1 left by shamt bits and store into rd

srli rd, rs1, shamt

shift rs1 right by shamt bits and store into rd (shift in zeroes)

srai rd, rs1, shamt

shift rs1 right by shamt bits and store into rd (shift in sign bit)

add rd, rs1, rs2

add rs2 to rs1 and store into rd

sub rd, rs1, rs2

subtract rs2 from rs1 and store into rd

sll rd, rs1, rs2

shift rs1 left by rs2 bits and store into rd

slt rd, rs1, rs2

store 1 into rd if rs1 is less than rs2 else store 0

sltu rd, rs1, rs2

store 1 into rd if rs1 is less than rs2 (unsigned) else store 0

xor rd, rs1, rs2

bitwise XOR rs2 with rs1 and store into rd

srl rd, rs1, rs2

shift rs1 right by rs2 bits and store into rd (shift in zeroes)

sra rd, rs1, rs2

shift rs1 right by rs2 bits and store into rd (shift in sign bit)

or rd, rs1, rs2

bitwise OR rs2 with rs1 and store into rd

and rd, rs1, rs2

bitwise AND rs2 with rs1 and store into rd

fence succ, pred

order device I/O and memory accesses


make a service request to the execution environment


return control to a debugging environment

RV32M Standard Extension



mul rd, rs1, rs2

multiply rs1 (signed) by rs2 (signed) and store lower 32 bits into rd

mulh rd, rs1, rs2

multiply rs1 (signed) by rs2 (signed) and store upper 32 bits into rd

mulhsu rd, rs1, rs2

multiply rs1 (signed) by rs2 (unsigned) and store upper 32 bits into rd

mulhu rd, rs1, rs2

multiply rs1 (unsigned) by rs2 (unsigned) and store upper 32 bits into rd

div rd, rs1, rs2

divide (signed) rs1 by rs2 and store into rd

divu rd, rs1, rs2

divide (unsigned) rs1 by rs2 and store into rd

rem rd, rs1, rs2

remainder (signed) of rs1 divided by rs2 and store into rd

remu rd, rs1, rs2

remainder (unsigned) of rs1 divided by rs2 and store into rd

RV32A Standard Extension

All of the following atomic instructions also accept two additional parameters: aq and rl. These are short for “acquire” and “release” and must either be both specified or both unspecified. The default for each if unspecified is zero.

For example:

# both aq and rl are zero
lr.w t0 t1
lr.w t0 t1 0 0

# both aq and rl are one
lr.w t0 t1 1 1

# mix and match
lr.w t0 t1 0 1  # aq=0, rl=1
lr.w t0 t1 1 0  # aq=1, rl=0



lr.w rd, rs1

load (reserved) 32-bit value from addr in rs1 into rd and register a reservation set

sc.w rd, rs1, rs2

store (conditional) 32-bit value from rs2 into addr in rs1 and write status to rd

amoswap.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, SWAP with value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

amoadd.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, ADD to value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

amoxor.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, XOR with value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

amoand.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, AND with value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

amoor.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, OR with value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

amomin.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, MIN with value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

amomax.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, MAX with value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

amominu.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, MIN (unsigned) with value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

amomaxu.w rd, rs1, rs2

atomically load value from addr in rs1 into rd, MAX (unsigned) with value in rs2, store back to addr rs1

RV32C Standard Extension



c.addi4spn rd', nzuimm

add 8-bit MO4 nzuimm to x2/sp and store into rd'

c.lw rd', rs1', uimm

load 32-bit value from addr in rs1' plus 5-bit MO4 uimm into rd'

c.sw rs1', rs2', uimm

store 32-bit value from rs2' into addr in rs1' plus 5-bit MO4 uimm


no operation

c.addi rd/rs1!=0, nzimm

add 6-bit imm to rd/rs1 and store into rd/rs1

c.jal imm

jump offset 11-bit MO2 imm and store return addr into x1/ra rd!=0, imm

load 6-bit imm into rd, sign extend upper bits

c.addi16sp nzimm

add 6-bit MO16 nzimm to x2/sp and store into x2/sp

c.lui rd!={0,2}, nzimm

load 6-bit imm into middle bits [17:12] of rd, sign extend upper bits, clear lower bits

c.srli rd'/rs1', nzuimm

shift rd'/rs1' right by nzuimm bits and store into rd'/rs1' (shift in zeroes)

c.srai rd'/rs1', nzuimm

shift rd'/rs1' right by nzuimm bits and store into rd'/rs1' (shift in sign bit)

c.andi rd'/rs1', imm

bitwise AND 6-bit imm with rd'/rs1' and store into rd'/rs1'

c.sub rd'/rs1', rs2'

subtract rs2' from rd'/rs1' and store into rd'/rs1'

c.xor rd'/rs1', rs2'

bitwise XOR rs2' with rd'/rs1' and store into rd'/rs1'

c.or rd'/rs1', rs2'

bitwise OR rs2' with rd'/rs1' and store into rd'/rs1'

c.and rd'/rs1', rs2'

bitwise AND rs2' with rd'/rs1' and store into rd'/rs1'

c.j imm

jump offset 11-bit MO2 imm

c.beqz rs1', imm

jump offset 8-bit MO2 imm if rs1' is equal to zero

c.bnez rs1', imm

jump offset 8-bit MO2 imm if rs1' is not equal to zero

c.slli rd/rs1!=0, nziumm

shift rd/rs1 left by nzuimm bits and store into rd/rs1

c.lwsp rd!=0, uimm

load 32-bit value from addr in x2/sp plus 6-bit MO4 uimm into rd

c.jr rs1!=0

jump to addr in rs1 rd!=0, rs2!=0

copy value from rs2 into rd


return control to a debugging environment

c.jalr rs1!=0

jump to addr in rs1 and store return addr into x1/ra

c.add rd/rs1!=0, rs2!=0

add rs2 to rd/rs1 and store into rd/rs1

c.swsp rs2, uimm

store 32-bit value from rs2 into addr in x2/sp plus 6-bit MO4 uimm

“Zifencei” Standard Extension




synchronize the instruction and data streams

“Zicsr” Standard Extension



csrrw rd, rs1, csr

atomically swap values in CSRs

csrrs rd, rs1, csr

atomically read and set bits in CSRs

csrrc rd, rs1, csr

atomically read and clear bits in CSRs

csrrwi rd, uimm, csr

atomically swap values in CSRs (immediate)

csrrsi rd, uimm, csr

atomically read and set bits in CSRs (immediate)

csrrci rd, uimm, csr

atomically read and clear bits in CSRs (immediate)